Dearly esteemed parents, this is to express our gratitude to God and to you our parents, for the continuous and unflinching support you gave us as a school. We also want to acknowledge and appreciate your trust in our citadel of learning to take these children to a higher cadre for a better future. We return all the glory to God for everything.FOOD FOR THOUGHT
Our problem is that we make the mistake of comparing ourselves with other people. You are not inferior or superior to any human being...You do not determine your success by comparing yourself to others; rather you determine your success by comparing your accomplishments to your capabilities. You are “Number one” when you do the best you can with what you have, every day.
Events of the term
Inter-house sports
Strategic students’ conference
Fruit Day
External Competitions
World Girls Day
Easter Fiesta
Praise and Thanksgiving Day
1. CBT/E-learning
This is to inform our dear parents that the school has gradually progressed to CBT exams and E-learning activities. Going by the reality of this present time, both school and parents will need to continuously work together on this great and fascinating idea. The junior students will be fully integrated by new session; by the grace of God.
2. Other Information
School Fee:- The school bill has been packaged into the envelope. Kindly check and make payments through any of the following: POS, online transfer or bank deposit. Evidence of payments made should be forwarded to the account section of the school, after which the receipt will be issued for the transaction. Our parents should not forget that we are still operating 70/30% policy. Meaning full payment or at least 70% of the school fees is expected to be paid before resumption. 30% to be paid three weeks after resumption.
School Website & E-Result:- The school activities can be perused or viewed by logging on to the website . Our result will be available on prodigy on or before 12th of April 2023. You can check by using user I.D (SURNAME), Password: (1st three letters of parent name plus phone number). In case of any issue, you can call any of these numbers for clarification: 070694629777, 08060816174 & 08032521162. You can also reach us through this E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Project/Assignments: - Students have been given assignments and projects on prodigy, this should be submitted to their class-teachers as they resume. Parents are to kindly support their children/wards to complete all assignments during holiday.
3. Vacation and resumption:- The school closes on 6th April, 2023 and resumes on 25th April, 2023.
4. Conclusion: Once again, we give glory to God and all our dear parents for how God has used you for the school, and our wonderful students. Thank you !
Worker’s Day - May 1st 2023
Eld-el-fitr day - April 21st - 24th 2023
Children’s Day - May 27th 2023
Mid Term Break - June 8th - 10th 2023
Democracy Day - June 12th 2023
P.T.I.F Meeting - June 24th, 2023
Eld-el-kabir - 28th - 29th June ,2023
Agape Day - July 17th, 2023
Prize Giving/Valedictory - July 22nd 2023
Dr. (Mrs) O. R. Oluwagunna