I have four angry boys in my class who feel that it is unthinkable to have no special day dedicated to the boys. ?
So, I told them that the female folks have had to put up more fight to take a significant place in history. From a young age they have been made to feel that they are second-class world citizens who needed to be only seen and not heard. They have faced many indignities just for being females. So, the whole world is really waking up to really understand why and how such sickening perspective and attitude are wrong.
So, they paused for few minutes in thought, and I thought I had finally quelled the anger, only to watch them blurt out, "Boys should have boys' day".??
Anyway, I understand how they see the whole thing. Girls, their class mates, were also in school, cladded in beautiful and colourful attires that drew the attention of everyone, and a special segment of the day was dedicated to them on the beautifully decorated assembly ground, and they were to be addressed by an invited guest, and were given snacks afterwards. While all these were going on, they-----the boys----- remained in class much against their will. I then could see so clearly how I lost that battle??♂?
-Kunle O. Daramola